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The City of Cambridge has partnered with the non-profit All in Energy to help residents and property owners save money and energy, while making their homes more comfortable year-round.

Renters, owners and landlords of single-family homes, apartments or condos in buildings with 1-4 units can get started by requesting a Mass Save® no-cost Home Energy Assessment.

Based on your household’s income, there are different pathways you can follow to access the Mass Save programs. Click here to view the income qualification guidelines for each Mass Save offer and find out what offers your household is eligible for. Then scroll down to find your next step.

Get started today by taking action.

If you think your household’s income falls under the
Enhanced Residential, Standard offers, Income Eligible offers, or you are not sure, call:

(617) 430-6230
How does the no-cost Home Energy Assessment work?

During the assessment a certified Energy Specialist will visit your home to identify opportunities to save energy, including:

  • Performing a safety check of your heating system*
  • Installing eligible energy- and water-saving devices
  • Assessing the potential to improve air sealing or insulation in your walls, attic* and basement*
  • Providing you with a customized report of the opportunities to increase the energy efficiency of your home and information about available financial rebates and incentives

*If accessible

What are the benefits of a Home Energy Assessment?

There are benefits available for residents of all income levels.

Renters can receive energy and water saving devices installed at no-cost, such as:
  • High efficiency shower heads and faucet aerators
  • Programmable thermostats
  • Advanced power strips

You do not have to involve your landlord to receive these benefits. However, greater energy efficiency upgrades are possible if your landlord participates along with you. See below.

Homeowners / condo owners / landlords can receive:
  • No-cost energy and water saving devices, listed above
  • No-cost air sealing
  • 75-100% off the cost of approved insulation
  • Generous rebates on high-efficiency appliances and heating and cooling equipment, including NEW increased incentives for heat pumps. Heat pumps heat and cool your home efficiently. For more information on heat pump incentives and support available to Cambridge residents, visit the Electrify Cambridge page
  • 0% financing opportunity through the Mass Save HEAT Loan Program
  • Income-Based Incentives and Benefits:
        —Additional financial support to help moderate income households make repairs necessary in order to install recommended upgrades

          —Based on your income, or on your tenants’ income if you own a multi-unit building, you may qualify for additional benefits through the Income Eligible Program

Landlords: Get 100% off the cost of approved insulation and air sealing

There are many opportunities to get 100% off the cost of approved insulation, especially for landlords! Incentives have been recently updated to include 100% off the cost for:

  • Rental units
  • Moderate income households*
  • Low income households*
    1. *To see if you might qualify as low or moderate income, click here

    Why get an assessment?

    The recommended upgrades from an energy assessment can have a wide range of benefits for your home and its residents.

    • Save energy
    • Save money
    • Improve comfort year round with more consistent indoor temperatures
    • Improve indoor air quality
    • Reduce pest infestation through air sealing
    • Reduce your carbon footprint and combat climate change
    Energy use in buildings is the main emitter of greenhouse gasses in Cambridge. Participating in energy assessments and increasing the energy efficiency of buildings in Cambridge reduces the Cambridge and U.S. carbon footprint

    Mass Save is our state’s nation-leading energy efficiency initiative, sponsored by Massachusetts’ natural gas and electric utilities and energy efficiency providers. The Home Energy Assessments are provided at no-cost because the Mass Save programs are funded by all of us – through an energy efficiency charge on our gas and electricity bills.

    Site updated: March 14, 2025 Page updated: March 10, 2025

    Back To Top
    Number of Household Members Income Eligible
    Annual Household Income
    Enhanced Residential
    Annual Household Income
    Standard Offers
    Annual Household Income
    1 Up to $45,392 $45,393 – $91,200 $91,201 and higher
    2 Up to $59,359 $59,360 - $104,200 $104,201 and higher
    3 Up to $73,326 $73,327 - $117,250 $117,251 and higher
    4 Up to $87,294 $87,295 - $130,250 $130,251 and higher
    5 Up to $101,261 $101,262 - $140,700 $140,701 and higher