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There are options available to help you as a renter, condo/homeowner, or landlord in a 1-4 unit building finance your energy upgrades.

Click here to learn about our low-income programs.

Mass Save® HEAT Loan

The Mass Save HEAT Loan by Eversource, in collaboration with the state and other utilities, offers a no-interest loan program for both owner-occupied and non-owner-occupied buildings with 1-4 units. You could qualify for a 0% interest loan toward select energy efficiency home improvements. Loans can vary between $500-$25,000 with terms up to 7 years.

Eligible CustomerLoan TypeLoan AmountLoan Term
Owner OccupiedMicro Loan$500 - $2,00024 Months
Owner Occupied1-4 Unit Standard Loan$2,001 - $25,000Up to 84 Months
Non-owner Occupied1-4 Unit Rental Property Loan$5,000 - $25,000Up to 84 Months
Maximum loan amounts can vary by participating lender.

To apply for the loan, the applicant must first obtain a Home Energy Assessment. To sign up for an assessment, please visit the Energy Assessment sign-up page.

See this list for all of the Mass Save HEAT Loan lenders available to Cambridge Residents.

Other Financing Options

  • Federal Housing Administration Energy Efficient Loans
  • The Federal Housing Administration (FHA) offers an Energy Mortgage Loan Program to help current or potential homeowners significantly lower their monthly utility bills by enabling them to incorporate the cost of adding energy efficient improvements into their new home or existing housing. The program can be used when purchasing an FHA insured home or when refinancing your current mortgage loan. Through this and other types of mortgage insurance programs, the lender helps low and moderate-income families purchase homes by keeping the initial costs down.

    Contact Information
    Website: The FHA Resource Center
    Phone: (800) CALL-FHA or (800) 225-5342

  • Citizens Bank
  • Citizens Bank offers a Citizens Bank Personal Loan Call where you can borrow between $5,000 and $50,000. Stop by a branch for more information.

    Contact Information
    Website: Citizens Bank
    Phone Number: 888-333-0104
    Central Square Branch: 689 Massachusetts Avenue (617-779-2700)
    Harvard Square Branch: 30 Brattle Street (617-868-4900)
    Kendall Square Branch: 141 Portland Street (617-374-1550)

Other Local Options

  • Cambridge Savings Bank
  • Cambridge Savings Bank offers Home Equity lines of credit and secured Home Equity Loans for home improvement projects. Visit the Cambridge Savings Bank website, or stop by your local banking center for more information.

    Contact Information
    Website: Cambridge Savings Bank
    Phone: 617-234-7250
    Central Square Branch: 630 Massachusetts Avenue
    Harvard Square Branch: 1374 Massachusetts Avenue
    Inman Square Branch: 1378 Cambridge Street
    Porter Square Branch: 53 White Street

  • North Cambridge Co-operative Bank
  • North Cambridge Co-operative Bank offers fixed rate Home Equity Loans and Home Equity Lines of Credit for owner occupied 1-4 family homes and condominiums. Check their website for their current rates.

    Contact Information
    Website: North Cambridge Co-operative Bank
    Phone: 617-876-5730
    Location: 2360 Massachusetts Avenue

Solar Loans

Check out the Massachusetts Clean Energy Center to learn more about their solar loan options. Mass Solar Loans allow homeowners to get low-interest loans to purchase and install solar electricity at their primary or secondary residences, including owner-occupied multi-family homes with three or fewer units. Loans may also be available for residents interested in purchasing a share in a community-shared solar project, which involves a group of people investing in a portion of a larger solar system.

Site updated: March 14, 2025 Page updated: May 21, 2020

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Number of Household Members Income Eligible
Annual Household Income
Enhanced Residential
Annual Household Income
Standard Offers
Annual Household Income
1 Up to $45,392 $45,393 – $91,200 $91,201 and higher
2 Up to $59,359 $59,360 - $104,200 $104,201 and higher
3 Up to $73,326 $73,327 - $117,250 $117,251 and higher
4 Up to $87,294 $87,295 - $130,250 $130,251 and higher
5 Up to $101,261 $101,262 - $140,700 $140,701 and higher