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In the face of ever-increasing utility costs, and amid growing concerns about climate change, energy independence, and economic security, the Cambridge Energy Alliance (CEA) today announced it has formed partnerships with four well-established lending institutions, to provide specialized loans and innovative financial solutions for energy efficiency improvements to Cambridge residents and businesses. The lenders were selected following an in-depth evaluation of numerous responses to proposals. “We are delighted that these lenders have partnered with us,” stated Josh Hassol, Chief Executive Officer of the Cambridge Energy Alliance. “These partnerships will allow Cambridge residents and business owners to make sound, cost-effective investments in critical energy efficiency improvements that work for their individual budgets. Residents and businesses will save money on their utility bills while they reduce greenhouse gas emissions across the City.” The banks and lending institutions that have partnered with CEA include East Cambridge Savings Bank, Citizens Bank, Key Equipment Finance, and Bostonia Partners, and cover all potential customer segments of the Cambridge Energy Alliance across the City, from individual homeowners to large institutions and businesses. All lending institutions are ready to begin working with customers of Cambridge Energy Alliance immediately in order to maximize participation.

Four established financial institutions have partnered with CEA to provide financing solutions for energy efficiency improvements by Cambridge residents and businesses.

Site updated: February 19, 2025 Page updated: October 15, 2008

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Number of Household Members Income Eligible
Annual Household Income
Enhanced Residential
Annual Household Income
Standard Offers
Annual Household Income
1 Up to $45,392 $45,393 – $91,200 $91,201 and higher
2 Up to $59,359 $59,360 - $104,200 $104,201 and higher
3 Up to $73,326 $73,327 - $117,250 $117,251 and higher
4 Up to $87,294 $87,295 - $130,250 $130,251 and higher
5 Up to $101,261 $101,262 - $140,700 $140,701 and higher