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Step 1: Contact Us

To get started, sign up on our website.

Step 2: Initial Interview

After your information has been received, our partner, Prism Consulting, will contact you to schedule a visit to discuss your energy saving needs. If you are interested in an energy assessment, Prism will schedule a time for an initial visit to your building.

Step 3: Initial Site Visit and Lighting Recommendations

At the initial site visit, Prism will point out savings opportunities and prepare an energy report. The report will identify energy-saving opportunities, such as enhanced lighting, insulation, and energy-efficient appliances, including those eligible for rebates and special financing offers.

After this initial visit, you can contact the CEA Energy Adviser to obtain the information you need to complete your energy efficiency upgrade, including:

  • All available incentives and rebates for the recommended measures
  • A range of financing options for the project
  • Financial tools to help you determine total cost and payback period
  • Contracting services available through our partners and other sources

Step 4: Site Visits and Non-lighting Recommendations

Depending on what is found at the assessment and your interest in measures other than lighting, other experts will inspect your facility. Prism will then prepare additional reports for non-lighting measures. The reports will include equipment recommendations and a financial analysis highlighting installed cost, projected savings, and any utility rebates or government subsidies available. Potential measures include but are not limited to:

  • Motors and Drives
  • Heating Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC) Equipment
  • Water Consumption
  • Building Envelope
  • Energy Management Systems
  • Process Equipment
  • On-site Power Generation
  • Solar, Wind, and Other Renewables

Step 5: Installation

CEA and Prism will work with you to assemble a package of measures, rebates and subsidies, and financing. Upon your review and final selection of measures, you will sign an installation contract. Prism Consulting will oversee the installation.

Continue to Assessment Preparation…

Site updated: March 14, 2025 Page updated: April 25, 2016

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Number of Household Members Income Eligible
Annual Household Income
Enhanced Residential
Annual Household Income
Standard Offers
Annual Household Income
1 Up to $45,392 $45,393 – $91,200 $91,201 and higher
2 Up to $59,359 $59,360 - $104,200 $104,201 and higher
3 Up to $73,326 $73,327 - $117,250 $117,251 and higher
4 Up to $87,294 $87,295 - $130,250 $130,251 and higher
5 Up to $101,261 $101,262 - $140,700 $140,701 and higher