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In May 1999, the Cambridge City Council voted to join Cities for Climate Protection (CCP), an international consortium of communities working to reduce the impacts of climate change by reducing greenhouse gas emissions from fossil fuels.

As a member of CCP, the City created a city-specific greenhouse gas emissions inventory and subsequently set targets and strategies to reduce these emissions through a comprehensive and well-defined plan.

To help achieve these goals, the City, in partnership with the Henry P. Kendall Foundation, created the Cambridge Energy Alliance (CEA)  in 2007 as a non-profit organization.  In 2011, CEA became part of City government, continuing its mission of helping Cambridge residents and businesses identify and arrange financing for all cost-effective energy efficiency improvements for their homes and businesses. CEA works with organizations that provide energy auditing capability, construction expertise, and financial resources. This allows us to help participants through the entire process of making their home or business more energy efficient and save them money.

The Cambridge Energy Alliance expects that many efficiency projects can reap immediate savings through long-term financing options. As part of this effort, CEA works with government and non-government organizations to help property owners and tenants secure all available incentives and maximize benefits.

Site updated: March 22, 2024 Page updated: October 1, 2014

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